2024 Price List  (from 1st June 2024)
  • Initial assessment (1 hr)
  • Initial assessment (1 hr) with Foot Health Practitioner
  • Routine appointments (30 mins)
  • Routine appointments (30 mins) with Foot Health Practitioner
Biomechanical assessment
  • Full assessment (1 hr)
Insole/orthotic therapy
Customised off-the-shelf orthoses from £50
  • SIDAS assessment 30 min appointment (photos and videos taken)
  • SIDAS 1 pair custom orthoses made on premises*
  • SIDAS 2 pairs of custom orthoses made on premises*
  • SIDAS review/adjust appointment (30 mins)
*Includes 1 review/adjust appointment  
Lunula Laser fungal nail treatment

The number of treatments needed will depend on the level of infection and you will be given an estimate of this number at the start of treatment.  Usually we begin with a course of 4 treatments then further ones as the response and need dictates. Each treatment consists of a 12 minute exposure for each foot.

  • Initial assessment and preparation (60 mins)
  • Nail fungus diagnostic lateral flow test
  • Single treatment for both feet or 1 foot and 1 hand (24 mins)
  • Single treatment for 1 foot or both hands (12 mins)
Swift Microwave verruca treatment

The number of treatments needed with depend on various factors and you will be given an estimate of this at the start of treatment. The applicator tips used with Swift are single use and can only be used for 15 minutes from the start of treatment.

Cryopen Treatment: An alternative treatment for stubborn verrucas is Cryopen which is a freeze treatment using liquid nitrous oxide (boiling point -89 deg), applied accurately using one of 4 nozzles graded in size to match the verruca size.  Treatment involves preparation by burring or debridement of overlying tissue and 2 applications lasting 15s and 30s apart for each verruca.  This involves minimal discomfort.

Verrutop Treatment: Verrutop is a new specialist topical treatment for warts and verrucae formulated with Nitrizinc Complex® – a solution containing nitric acid, organic acids, zinc, and copper salts. Verutop kills the wart or verruca tissue by breaking down its protein structure. Patients can expect to receive between 1 and 6 (maximum) treatments which would be administered at 1–2-week intervals.  Application of Verrutop is a quick, pain free procedure and is suitable for adults and children from 6 years of age.

  • Swift initial assessment, preparation and treatment
£156 from
  • Swift follow-up treatment
£104 from
  • Cryopen initial assessment and treatment
  • Cryopen follow-up treatment
£45 from
  • Verrutop initial assessment
  • Verrutop follow-up treatment
£50 from
Verruca/Wart Treatment by Dry Needling Under Local Anaesthetic

Persistent verrucas and warts can be treated under local anaesthetic by a needling procedure which emphatically exposes the antigens on the infected cell walls to the immune system in order to promote a powerful immune response.  This can result in all related verrucas/warts being resolved when only a few suitably positioned ones are treated.  On fingers and toes, digital anaesthesia is used.  For verrucas elsewhere on feet, regional anaesthesia administered by nerve block at the ankle is used and, if necessary, topped up by local infiltration.

  • Verruca/wart treatment under digital block per toe/finger
  • Verruca treatment per foot under regional nerve block
MotionMetrix Markerless 3D Gait Analysis

An initial consultation includes a podiatric and biomechanical assessment including photographs of feet, arches, and limb alignment, and videos of the client walking, viewed from front, back and both sides, then assessments using the MotionMetrix equipment both walking and running, with and without shoes, and with and without any orthotic insoles which may be currently in use.

The series of diagrammatic and graphical reports produced are reviewed with the client, and emailed to them, and after further review by the clinician a report is also sent to the client with recommendations for actions to be taken, including voluntary changes to technique, and, if necessary, adjustment to existing orthotic insoles or their manufacture.  Appropriate prescription orthotic insoles can be made in-house, using the SIDAS Premier Station.

  • Initial Podiatric, Biomechanical and MotionMetrix Gait Analysis Assessment
  • MotionMetrix Clinical Gait Analysis (for existing patients)
  • MotionMetrix Running 3D Follow-up Assessment
  • MotionMetrix Running 3D Follow-up Assessment and Clinicial Consultation
Nail Surgery

The cost of nail surgery depends on how many toes and how many nail edges require treatment. 

  • Nail Surgery – Partial Nail Avulsion 
£297 from
  • Nail Surgery – Total Nail Avulsion
£396 from
  • Additional LA cartridges 

Missed Appointments

I reserve the right to charge a missed appointment fee for appointments which are missed or cancelled at less than 24 hours notice, especially where a text or email reminder has been sent.